As we enter the New Year, everywhere you look you’re bombarded with the call to diet. These fads, old and new, will try to draw you in with promises of fast weight loss. You are also called to start a new year with setting big life goals and hope that finding a new and better planner will help you finally achieve them. Once uncovered, it was clear that we needed a diet, fitness and lifestyle program that would help us support our biological rhythm. This is why Alisa of the MyFlo App created The Cycle Syncing Method. She wants to be the voice of reason here and let you know that the fad diets and biohacking trends you’ll hear about are not good for women’s hormonal needs and they simply don’t offer lasting change. And that the wake up at 5am and daily planner ethos is also not inclusive of your biology.
People with female physiology benefit when they eat, exercise, and work in ways that support their infradian rhythm, as opposed to following diet, fitness, and work trends that disrupt it. It’s precisely because so many women try to follow the ‘same-thing-everyday’ plans that work for male physiology that 50% of women are suffering with hormonal imbalances, while men don’t suffer them at the same rate. Keep reading to learn more!

How Syncing with Your Cycle Can Optimize Your 2022 For the Better
It starts with deepening your familiarity with your 28-day hormone cycle—something you can do with the MyFlo app—and then tailoring your food, movement, supplements, and lifestyle choices to your unique strengths, weaknesses, and needs during each phase of your cycle. That might sound daunting. It’s not. Before long, you will develop an intuitive sense of how your body feels during each phase of your cycle and what it needs to maintain hormone balance. You will begin to naturally shift your food, movement, and schedule as your hormones fluctuate. With time, making phase-based self-care choices will be second nature. What type of phase-based choices am I talking about? Here’s a closer look at the different ways The Cycle Synching Method is used in practice.
Do you have certain cravings during different weeks of the month? Do you feel hungrier at different stages of your cycle? That’s because your metabolism changes speed during your cycle and you have to change your caloric intake to match your biology. Practicing The Cycle Synching MethodⓇ with food starts by choosing specific foods that will support optimal hormone balance in each phase. I do a deep dive in my new book In the Flo, which is packed with female specific biohacking advice and meal plans.
Sometimes, even if you’re eating perfectly, supplements are necessary to deepen your phase-based self-care plan, erase your period problems, and feel your best. If you are deficient in any of the five essential micronutrients required for hormone health, you will never fully resolve symptoms like acne, bloating, PMS, cramps, menstrual migraines, missing or irregular periods, or cyclical fatigue and moodiness.
Planning your workouts in sync with your cycle will allow you to achieve your fitness goals with less effort. It also makes your workouts easier because you are not trying to do a workout that is ill-matched for your hormones during a specific time. Using The Cycle Synching MethodⓇ for exercise is a win-win.
You can do anything, anytime. Research shows that as hormones stimulate the brain in different ways throughout the month, that you are more interested and more naturally at ease with certain tasks at different times of the month. The same is true of men of course, their brains are stimulated just over the course of one day and they arrange their work to be optimally productive based on their hormonal patterns. So when we plan our schedules accordingly—for example, when we schedule important meetings or interviews when we are primed for communication—we may find even more success – and more importantly experience less overall stress on your body. When you live in sync with your hormones, you’ll be able to sustainably shift your lifestyle for a fantastic new year. No resolutions needed. Just going with your own flow.