As signs of spring start popping up (warmer weather, longer days, less of an inclination to press the snooze button on your alarm thirty times in a row), you’ll likely notice that little thing called ‘motivation to exercise’ crops up with it.
The good news is that coming out of hibernation offers the perfect opportunity to reassess your workout routine, so you can see what has, and hasn’t, worked for you in the past to inform the routine you’re about to establish. While you might think of a minimalist workout as basic and no-frills with not a brightly-printed legging in sight, you can actually use the principles of minimalism to supercharge your exercise routine. Here’s how:
Exercise should bring you joy
In her book, The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo discusses the notion of removing all objects from your home that do not spark joy. She argues that the entire point of ‘things’ is that they bring you joy when you see them or use them, and that there should be no place in any home for items that do anything less.
And, the same concept can easily be applied to your workouts. Do you enjoy the time you dedicate to exercise? Does the prospect of moving your body bring you a sense of fulfilment and joy? If not, it’s time to reassess.

The fitness-frenzied culture that has swarmed the mainstream in recent years has placed so much emphasis on exercise being a ‘necessary evil’, but it doesn’t have to be. Choosing a style of workout that you actually enjoy is crucial to reaping the benefits. There’s no use killing yourself over 4 HIIT workouts per week if they make you miserable. You might be much better off dedicating the time, energy and money towards two barre sessions and a Pilates class, or some at-home yoga workouts interspersed with some beachside jogs. Being honest about what you actually like doing will supercharge your workouts like nothing else.
Know that less can be more
While you’re being intentional with your workouts, it’s also worth checking in with how much exercise makes you truly feel your best—because yes; there is such a thing as overdoing it in the gym. There is no hard and fast rule that dictates “working out x times per week produces x result.” As previously mentioned, it’s about listening to what your body is telling you and acting accordingly—if it doesn’t feel like it’s doing you good, it isn’t. Simple.
Activewear can amp up your act
While we might have eschewed the notion of brightly patterned leggings in the introduction, there is definitely something to be said for feeling good in what you’re wearing while you exercise. If the premise is that it should bring you joy, the clothes you’re sporting should be taken into consideration.

Comfortable fabrics, epic fits and patterns (or lack thereof) that make you feel like you are worth the investment, and focusing on quality over quantity is key to maintaining an essence of minimalism. A staple pair of black leggings, a luxe pair of sneakers and supportive sports bra will never go out of style.