5 Quick & Healthy Breakfast Options You Can Eat At Your Desk

And did we mention NOT boring?

breakfast ideas to eat at your desk
Image: iStock

You’ve done it again. You have snoozed your alarm and have awoken in sheer panic with about 20 minutes to get up dressed, ready and out the door. The absolute last thing you’re thinking about is breakfast and by the time you get to your desk you hit the ground running and don’t even give food a second thought until around 12-noon (if not later).
It’s easy to get in the habit of not eating breakfast, but breakfast has some great health benefits such as reducing the risk of obesity, reducing high cholesterol, improving your energy levels and helps you focus at work.
We’ve recruited Kimberley George, Bulk Nutrients ambassador, health coach and mum (so she knows a bit about time management) to share her best breakfast hacks which will take you 5 minutes flat. Perfect if you’re rushing to work or forced to eat at your desk…

Microwave Super Oats

banana oats
Image: iStock

Oats are a great way to start your morning as they are packed full of important macronutrients that will keep you full well into the day. They are cheap, quick to make and can easily be supercharged with your choice of toppings for example blueberries for antioxidants or walnuts for omega 3’s.


  • Blueberries, yogurt and honey
  • Cocoa and raspberries
  • Apple, maple syrup and walnuts
  • Banana, almonds and cinnamon

1. Put ½ a cup of oats and one cup of water in the microwave until desired consistency
2. Add a splash of milk to make them nice and creamy
3. Add your choice of toppings (can change it up depending on what your craving and to keep breakfast interesting)

‘Cheesy’ Toast

cottage cheese on toast
Image: iStock

For those days where you wake up craving something savoury, cheesy toast is a great option. Not only will it hit all your cravings, it’s packed full of protein so is a perfect option when your looking down the barrel of a hectic day.

  • Wholegrain toast
  • Low fat ricotta or cottage cheese
  • Almonds
  • Honey


1. Make 2 slices of wholegrain toast, spread 100g of ricotta or cottage cheese on top.
2. Sprinkle finely chopped almonds and drizzle 1 tsp of honey on top.

Green Power Breakfast Smoothie

green smoothie
via Minimalist Baker

Although you may not be able to make this at the office, this super easy to whip up on your way out the door and sip on your way to work. To make the process even quicker, prep individual servings in and pop them in the freezer for quick access.

  • Coconut milk
  • Banana
  • Frozen mango
  • Baby spinach
  • Raw pumpkin seeds
  • Protein powder


Add 1 cup of coconut milk, 1 ripe banana, ½ chopped frozen mango, 1 large handful of baby spinach, ¼ a cup of pumpkin seeds, one scoop of protein powder and blend until smooth

Berry Yoghurt Cups

Image: iStock

A great light breakfast option to get you through the day. This breakfast is quick and easy, but packed full of antioxidants and important macronutrients for the day. Simple yet very effective

  • 1 cup Berries
  • ½ cup Organic Yoghurt
  • 30g Nuts


Layer your berries, yogurt and nuts in a jar and pop in the fridge.

Breakfast Bruschetta

healthy breakfast ideas tomato avocado fetta on toast
Image: iStock

Feeling a bit fancy? Show up everyone in the office with this Breakfast Bruschetta. It’s very simple to put together, but super delicious and packed of healthy fats and carbs.

  • Wholegrain toast
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes
  • Feta


1. Make 2 slices of wholegrain toast, spread Avocado over the toast.
2. Put roughly chopped tomatoes on top and sprinkle feta on top.
For more health and fitness tips, follow Kimberley on @kimberley_george or visit www.kimberleygeorge.com.au

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