Exclusive: Pro Surfer Julian Wilson On Getting Married, Staying Fit & Going Gluten-Free

The Aussie surfer is telling all.

Julian Wilson, surfer, Interview, Ashley Oh
Image: Red Bull

Julian Wilson is the courageous and inspirational Aussie surfer who’s taken the big waves by storm. Growing up on Queensland’s idyllic Sunshine Coast, Wilson has been afforded a life of sun, sand, oceans, and yes, even eternal summers. Don’t let his laid-back attitude and (ridiculously) good looks fool you, though; Wilson is one of the fiercest competitors you’ll see on the circuit today. Over the years, he’s won everything from the Rip Curl Pro to the Vans Triple Crown Series.
As the 2017 season kicks off, we caught up with Wilson to get the details on what he’s been up to, what’s planned for the year ahead, and his ultimate health and wellness secrets. Keep scrolling for the scoop!

Congratulations on your recent wedding. How was your day?

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Thank you very much! It was beautiful. I had the best day.

What did you do for your honeymoon?

We went to Wolgan Valley, which is just west of the Blue Mountains. It was nice to be away from the beach, with no phone reception.

Can you tell us why you’ve ‘gone pink’?

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This is the seventh year that I’ve ‘gone pink’ and worn pink boardshorts on the Gold Coast for the World Surf League (WSL) Men’s Championship Tour. I wear pink boardshorts because my mum has had breast cancer twice. I think it’s a nice way to show my support and raise awareness.

Talk us through your training regime…

I’m just coming out of my off-season so it’s a great opportunity to train as much as possible. I train seven days a week, one session per day. I have my own facility at home, where I can focus on strength and agility work. It’s a big, industrial-style shed with AstroTurf, step ladders, rings and other pieces of equipment.

What’s your food philosophy?

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Three months ago, I decided to go gluten-free and it has made a huge difference to the way I feel, particularly my energy output. I like to stick to vegetables and protein, like steak or chicken, so I can get the most out of my training. If I eat out, I love going to a Japanese restaurant because the food is always so fresh and it’s not something I’d recreate at home.

Do you take any supplements or herbs? Why?

If I’m feeling run down, I”ll take Kyolic Aged Garlic tablets.

How do you maintain a sense of wellbeing with such a busy lifestyle?

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I like to be prepared, especially when I’m travelling. I take my own snacks so I’m not reaching for food at convenience stores. And, when I arrive at my destination I always make sure that my first meal fits the time zone.

What are your goals for 2017?

Personally, I want to enjoy being married. Professionally, I definitely want to win a world title.

Describe your perfect day off…

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Wake up early, have a swim at the beach, enjoy a big breakfast, ride my dirt bike, have a massage then I’d try to fit in nine holes of golf before dark.

Quick Questions:

Born and raised: Coolum Beach, Sunshine Coast.
Currently lives: Peregian Beach, Sunshine Coast.
Personal motto/daily mantra: Seize the day.
Best advice I’ve been given is: Own who you are.
Most people don’t know this about me: I’ve gone gluten-free!
My most used emoji is: 👍
My pet peeve is: Forgetting my pillow when travelling.
Wake up time: 6.30am.
Morning ritual: Get in the water or if I can’t get in the water, have a coffee.
Last thing I do before bed: Clean my teeth.
Guilty pleasure: Riding my dirt bike.
3 things vital to my day: My wife, good food and the ocean.
Favourite beach: Home, Coolum Beach.
Binge watch: Supercross.

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