Enter glass jars, the latest eco-friendly way to eat your lunch

Just stack and go!

With Poke bowls and sweet potato toast, it seems like 2016 is the year of the functional food trend, here to make our busy lives that much easier. So it comes as no surprise that we’ve found the newest trend that’s set to take over the office kitchen: Glass jars. Or in other words: the reason we’ve been taking our lunch to work all wrong!

Move over tupperware, glassware is the latest way

We know what you’re thinking: “I think I’ve already seen this ? So 2014″. But in reality, the glass jar trend has taken over the internet recently for being more then just an on-the-go meal. Aside from the fact that it’s super easy to layer some ingredients in a jar (and give you extra Instagram points), it also helps you make healthier choices. For must of us, this comes as a sigh of relief since most of us seldom have time for breakfast in the morning, let alone food prepping for the whole week.
Another great fact, and this is a big reason, is that they’re reusable, time and time again. Because we’re well aware by now that we should be avoiding wastage whenever possible, glass jars can be used for everything from packing your lunch and breakfast to storing your dried food or moonlighting as a cool cocktail glass (see, we caught your attention). The point being, you’re not making use of, and then throwing away, hundreds of tupperware boxes and plastic cups.

Why we’re embracing glass jars over plastic

biodegradable plastic ari jonsson
This biodegradable water bottle decomposes when it no longer has any water in it. A small step in the right direction thanks to icelandic student Ari Jonsson / Image via : emgn.com

Since designers and social influences are aware of the harmful effect plastic has on our environment, they’ve been trying to do something about itreusing plastic to make recycled polyester (rPET), which they then use for clothing. The Inertia recently reported a small step in the right direction, thanks to product design student Ari Jonsson and his biodegradable water bottle (pictured above).
According to Echowatch, we’ve created more plastic in the last decade then in the past century. To make matters worse,  50% of the plastic we use, we only use once. With the exception of a small percentage that we’ve incinerated, every piece of plastic we’ve ever used is still on this earth, is some shape or form. Hence, a drastic change is needed for our society to keep living on our beloved planet.

So, what can I put in a glass jar?

The possibilities are endless! Need some inspo? Check out all the ways you can pack your food in a jar.

Salad in a jar

glass jars, salads in jar
Image via A Beautiful Mess

The secret to your ultimate salad in a jar is to always place the liquids on the bottom, then add on veggies, nuts, and finally the salad at the very top. Everything stays dressing free until you mix it all up in a bowl. Try everything from mexican taco salad, to sweet potato and quinoa, like these recipes from a Beautiful Mess

Soup in a jar

Soup In a Jar, erewhon market LA
Image by Bianca Cheah at Erewhon Market

Easy to make, even easier to keep in the refrigerator as a fail safe dinner option! Even Bianca Cheah is a fan, having visited Erewhon Market on her last L.A trip.

Breakfast in a jar

glass jar breakfast
Image via Pinterest: L-R Playbuzz | Lee Hersh Fit Food Finds

From oats in a jar, to smoothies in a jar and even chia seed porridge, you will always have time for breakfast with these delectable on-the-go breakkies.

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