Nutritionist Jess Sepel Uses These 4 Steps To Energize Her Morning

Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to handle the day with these crucial tips.

Jessica Sepel Breakfast
Image: Jessica Sepel

I truly believe the way you start your morning sets the tone for the entire day ahead. My morning routine is nourishing, calming and relaxing, so I can be ready for a productive day ahead. It does wonders for my energy levels, and I’ve noticed a real change in myself since I started spending some time in the morning nurturing myself and my body. So from my own trial and error, and what I’ve learnt along the way, I do the following every morning to boost my energy levels for the day:

Jessica Sepel is one of Australia’s leading nutritionists as well as an author, wellness coach and health blogger. You may recognize her from her beautiful recipes – she is the beloved voice of very active Facebook and Instagram profiles featuring daily food inspiration and health mantras.

Here are the 4 ways that Jessica Sepel energizes her mornings

1) I Complete A 20-Minute Workout

I’m a firm believer in moving your body in ways that feel good for you! This doesn’t mean spending hours in the gym each day, in fact, I find just 20 minutes is perfect for getting your body moving, increasing your energy levels, and getting those feel-good endorphins pumping! I like to alternate between high-intensity training and lower intensity exercise like yoga or walking.

Image: iStock

2) I Enjoy An Energy-Boosting Breakfast

Eating a balanced breakfast packed with carbs, fats, protein and fibre will boost your energy, and keep it stable throughout the entire day. I love opting for breakfasts like my Bircher Muesli or my Cinnamon Scroll Protein Smoothie, both of which are balanced with healthy fats and protein to keep me satiated, carbs and fibre to provide slow-releasing energy. When I’ve had a nourishing, balanced breakfast, I see a huge boost in my energy levels throughout the day.

breakfast foods weight loss
Image: Brooke Lark

3) I Pop A Vitamin

The JSHealth AM formula contains adaptogens and B vitamins, to relieve stress and fatigue and keep your energy levels steady all day long! I’ve noticed the biggest difference in my own energy levels since starting on these – I cannot recommend enough! I no longer experience the dreaded 3 pm slump, and can always rely on having stable energy all day long!

Image: iStock

4) I Avoid Scrolling On Social Media As Soon As I Wake Up

Scrolling Instagram and Facebook as soon as you open your eyes can be really draining and messes with your circadian rhythms. I avoid looking at my phone for the first hour of my morning, allowing me to start my day with space, freedom and a clear head. I think this is really important, as it allows me to feel much more ready to work and dive in when the time comes, rather than starting the day feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

These small changes to my morning routine have been so incredibly effective in boosting my energy levels, and keeping them stable throughout the day! The morning is the perfect time to get energised, and it really sets you up for a day of success! Give these tips a go and see if they work for you, too!

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