You'll want to bookmark this tasty chickpea salad recipe

Chickpea, mint, courgette and goat's curd are a match made in salad heaven.

Chickpea Salad, James Duigan, Clean & Lean

A salad can be so tasty and nutritous when it’s done just right. And celebrity trainer, James Duigan certainly knows how to do it just right. This chickpea, mint, courgette and goat’s curd salad is crisp and fresh, perfect for summer (or anytime, really).

Chickpea, Mint, Courgette and Goat’s Curd Salad

Serves 2


2 courgettes, deseeded and peeled into ribbons

1 small red onion or 2 spring onions, chopped

100g peas

1 x 400g tin chickpeas, rinsed and drained

a handful of mint leaves

juice of 1 lemon

a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil

5 tablespoons goats’ curd

sea salt and freshly ground

black pepper


  1. Put all the ingredients except the goats’ curd into a salad bowl.
  2. Toss to mix and season.
  3. Serve topped with the goats’ curd.
Top tip: I love adding mint to dishes. It tastes great and aids digestion, so it can ease bloating and other digestive discomforts.

clean and lean cookbook,This is an extract from Clean and Lean For Life by James Duigan, which includes 150 delicious, nutrient-rich recipes for a happy, healthy body. The simple recipes designed for every occasion, are free from gluten, dairy and refined sugar.

Shop here.

Try James Duigan’s Clean and Lean bread recipe here.

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