Can't Focus? Here Are 4 Techniques To Get Back In The Zone STAT.

Kate Kendall's The Space Between Mindfulness techniques
Image: Jakob Owens via Unspash

There’s this little philosophy that I’ve been living, talking, teaching and playing with for a few years now. It’s become my magic, my medicine, my only must-do. It’s called “The Space Between”

“The Space Between” was born out of my own mess. My own inner critic got me to the point where I was stretched in a million different directions. I had a hard time saying ‘no’ to hard-pushed deadlines, unnecessary classes and events, and I was trying to keep up with my social life at the same time. It got me to a point where I was so burnt out that my adrenals were fatigued, I stopped menstruating, got little sleep and had zero energy or libido.  My life became so complicated, so busy and so tight that I could hardly breathe.  

To cut a long story short, I came up with simple tools that I knew and learnt through my yogic and meditation studies that proved to work quickly. After all, I still wanted to achieve, do big things and carve out a remarkable life for myself and my incredible team.  

So what’s my solution to simplifying my life while being super productive at the same time? I slowed down and created more space. (Resonating?).  

Nothing like a good quality red 🍷 I agree! X @jodhimeares – a business woman, spiritually in-tune chicka and totally turned on by life – I LOVED this chat for The Space Between podcast. Hit link in my bio to hear it all on iTunes 🙏🏼✨🙏🏼 We start with a Moving Meditation designed for you to do with us followed by a great conversation around the creative process, how hard work gets you places, building a team and culture, Hawaii, her obsession with ‘stretchy things’ plus her love affair with German philosopher, Schopenhauer. You don’t want to miss this rare opportunity to hear her speak – and in such an intimate setting 👌🏼 Thank you, Jodhi. @the_upside You’re forever inspiring me 💕 KK 📷 @liveintheprojects #podcast #TheSpaceBetween #yoga #meditation #YogaAnywhere

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Here’s a shortcut to living “The Space Between”: 

1. Slow down. Make a conscious effort to eat slower, talk slower, ‘make-out’ slower, work at a slower pace, take time in the morning to get ready without rushing out the door and create space between your ‘to-dos’ and chores to let things process. Sounds counterproductive but I promise you’ll end up fitting more in and at a much calmer pace.  

2. Get clear on what makes you happy. Quite often the things that make us happy are put on the back burner and replaced by things like work and the daily grind. Take a moment to write down the things that make you feel joy—yoga, walking, coffee with friends, knitting…anything that lights you up.  

3. Conscious Conversation. Ever feel like you’re not being listened to or you’re not listening to yourself? Having a grounded and connected conversation is one of the greatest gifts you’ll give someone, in contrast to always wanting to have your say or thinking about what you’re going to say next whilst ‘listening’ to another person. The Space Between is all about being completely in the moment—this includes conversation.  

4. Give Back. We have a whole section in the bookstore about self-help—how about ‘Help Others’? This is the missing link. Sure, we have to look after our own bodies and minds but when we give to others something really cool happens: we think less about our ‘problems’ and stresses. Try it. 
Listen to Kate’s The Space Between podcast and check out her four-week mindfulness course.

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