'Bathleisure' Is the Extra Instagram Trend You're About to See Everywhere

You can thank Rihanna for this.


As far as impractical-but-appealing fashion trends go, “bathleisure” has to win. Bathleisure is the latest trend to take over social media is a portmanteau of “bath” and “athleisure” (which itself is a combination of athletic and leisure), and it’s here to transform your #aesthetic.
The term was first coined back in November on The Cut to describe Rihanna‘s style on the front cover of Vogue. In the picture, which was photographed by fine art and high fashion photographer Juergen Teller and styled by Anastasia Barbieri, Rihanna is snapped with a printed orange towel wrapped around her hair. It’s from the Emilio Pucci spring 2018 collection, and presumably very expensive, so #fashion.
In the article, writer Emilia Petrarca also points to the fact that Rita Ora wore a terry cloth robe and towel to the MTV Europe Music Awards and South Korean singer CL donned a Vaquera bathrobe to the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund awards in November 2017. “Two young, emerging fashion labels on the same exact page? It’s called the Zeitgeist, look it up!,” Petrarca writes.
Earlier this month, the trend gained more momentum, Man Repeller picked up on the trend–also citing the stream of glammed-up robe selfies flooding Instagram right now, and both Mashable and Allure wrote about the trend today.
But, what actually is bathleisure? Basically, it’s when you’re wearing a comfortable, casual top, wrap your hair with a towel, and accessorize with a ton of jewelry or sunglasses. Extra. ManRepeller founder, Leandra Medine, dished out the bathleisure inspo on her own Instagram last week:

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Blogger Aimee Song from Song of Style also seems to be doing it:

Image via @songofstyle

Love it or hate it, you have to admit that this would be a hilarious trend to spot on the streets of New York Fashion Week next month.

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