How This Incredible Woman Was Able to Breastfeed Her Adopted Child

How hard work, patience and tricking the body can allow you to help your baby grow.

normalize breastfeeding
Image: Alissa Saylor

In highlighting motherhood, we wanted to share this momma, Alissa Saylor’s story. Alissa adopted her daughter and began to struggle to breastfeed her due to her body’s reaction to breastfeeding. Motherhood’s journeys are all different, but yet still all face discrimination around breastfeeding. In fact, it is still widely “inappropriate” to do in public. The simple act of letting your child grow. Another reminder that we need to #normalizebreastfeeding. We need to normalize supporting mothers. “We are all trying to do our best,” says Alissa. Life often, especially motherhood, deals you a hand that you are not expecting. Life is full of surprises and obstacles. But the community, togetherness, and equality are necessary in this space. We will provide it, no questions asked.

Alissa Saylor and Emelia’s Story

normalize breastfeeding
Image: Alissa Saylor via Instagram

While Alissa was finally able to breastfeed Emelia, she shared that this was not how her journey began. “Between her severe tongue and lip tie and multiple procedures to correct them and my body reacting with excruciating vasospasms making me dread every single nursing session, we started our journey with lots and lots of tears between the two of us and not knowing if I could continue. I spent months preparing my body to nurse. My husband knew this would be special for us if I could just get past this part so he was constantly encouraging me through it.”

You can read more of Alissa’s story here on her website

Through the community online and the support of her lactation consultant, she was able to begin to breastfeed her daughter. But after some time, Emelia’s ties may have been causing some issues. After two procedures, Emelia’s tongue ties were fixed through a laser procedure. It took the baby a few weeks for the pain to subside, but it was smooth sailing from there.

The Newman-Goldfarb Protocol

Image: Alissa Saylor via Instagram

Alissa used the Newman-Goldfarb protocol. According to, this method “was developed by Dr. Jack Newman and Lenore Goldfarb in 2000, works by “tricking” the body into thinking its pregnant and, in turn, prepares the breasts for milk production. The person inducing lactation takes the combination birth control pill and the anti-nausea drug domperidone, which increases the prolactin levels.” The proud momma says that this process was very healing for her. She is so happy that her body was able to nourish her child and help her grow and connect with her. She also thanks the women who have come forth. Those who have shared their stories, because if it wasn’t for them, she wouldn’t be able to nurse Emelia. Or have the strength to. She also wants to assure those who have different paths to motherhood that their journeys are worth it. “You are perfect the way you are and nursing or even being able to give birth are not the things that define a mother, but I see you. I have felt that too.” Let’s #hashtagnormalizebreastfeeding!

While you’re checking this article out, read about our founder Bianca May-Cheah’s birth story.

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