Your Favorite Fitness Instagrammer Just Had a Baby!

Welcome to the world, Mia Elise.

Image via Instagram user @emilyskyefit

Big congratulations to fitness influencer, Emily Skye, who welcomed a gorgeous baby girl yesterday!
You will remember that this year Skye, fitness blogger and number three in Forbes’ list of the most influential fitness stars, upped her influence a little more by documenting her pregnancy on social media in a refreshingly raw and real way. Remember when she posted an unedited snap of that beautiful bump and her pregnant body that reassured women (pregnant and not pregnant!) everywhere? (“Since becoming pregnant I have gained some fat and cellulite and I’ve lost a fair bit of muscle — which I’m completely fine with,” she captioned the photo.)

The Gold Coast-based fitness star gave birth to her daughter on December 18, naming her Mia Elise. As you would expect, Skye shared the news—along with a picture of her daughter—with her two million Instagram followers.

A post shared by E M I L Y S K Y E (@emilyskyefit) on

“So happy to finally meet my gorgeous girl Mia Elise Redmond born on Dec 18th at 11.53am weighing 7lb 7oz (3.5kg),” she shared in the caption. In the pic, the new mum and her baby wear matching floral outfits (cute!). Skye wrote that her partner (and little Mia’s dad!), Declan Redmond, is having ‘constant love explosions’. The new dad also shared the baby news to his own Instagram page, captioning the snap: “The two loves of my life.”
We can’t wait to see Emily share her motherhood experience with her signature authenticity.

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