This Hilarious Yoga Fails Video Makes Us Feel SO Much Better About Being Unco

yoga fails
Image: Instagram @sjanaearp

If Instagram photos were to be believed, yoga involves hitting the perfect handstand every time while looking flawless on the beach. But as anyone who’s ever actually done it can attest, that’s so not the case. It takes a lot of falling over to get to the point where you can master that Insta-worthy pose. Or if you’re anything like me, you’ll fall over trying to do something as simple as tree pose!
Of course, when we’re the ones face-planting in front of a bunch of other people, it’s not so funny. But when it’s someone else, it’s hilarious—provided they don’t actually hurt themselves. And when someone’s trying to show off and eats dirt, it becomes even funnier (don’t pretend you don’t agree!)
That’s what makes this yoga fails video from FailArmy so damn entertaining. From the yogi who gets sabotaged by her cat to the girl who headbutts her friend with her butt, each and every fail gives us a serious sense of schadenfreude (joy in the misfortune of others, because we’re glad it’s not happening to us).

So, if you’re in need of some light-hearted entertainment to brighten up your day, check out the freakin’ hilarious yoga fails video below.

Has all that face-planting got you in the mood for yoga? Check out some more of our recent yoga stories:

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These Are The Benefits Of Your Brain On Yoga

Deep Sleep Support

Magnesium Breakthrough

Want to fall asleep faster and all through the night?


3X The Value Of Food


Want to absorb ALL the valuable nutrients from your food?

Improve Your Digestion

Good Bacteria Support


Want to protect your body from bad bacteria that’s causing bloating?


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