Want Washboard Abs? Try These 5 Workouts

Feel stronger and flatter in no time.

abs, fitness, workouts
Image: Instagram user @bodybyleahsimmons

Youtube is filled with a myriad of free workout tutorials, but unless you know exactly which video you’re looking for, it can be time-consuming to find one that suits your specific needs at any given moment.
Luckily, we’re here to help you out. We’ve already rounded up the most efficient YouTube workouts you can smash out in 20 minutes and shared our favorite online dance routines, so we thought we’d let you in on our go-to ab workouts. Whether you have ten minutes or thirty minutes, these will have you feeling flatter and stronger in no time.

Best 10 Minute AB Workout

Tone It Up’s 10 minute ab workout is proof that you don’t need a gym membership—or a ton of time—to tone and sculpt your core. Just press play, and get ready for the burn.

Best Ab Exercises for a Toned Tummy

Chisel and strengthen your core with this challenging Pilates-inspired workout. Expect variations of sit-ups and ab crunches that’ll set your abs on fire.

At-Home Ab Shredder

With simple but effective moves, Sarah’s Day ab shredder workout targets your upper abs, obliques, and lower abs while elevating your heart rate.

Yoga for Core (and Booty!)

If you’ve got a bit more time on your hands, try this 30 minute yoga flow. It’ll strengthen your core, whilst also toning your booty. That’s a win-win in our books.

10-Minute Standing Abs Workout

This ab workout almost seems too good to be true: It targets your entire midsection, takes just 10 minutes, and can be done pretty much anywhere, anytime. Plus, you’ll burn more calories since these standing exercises take more effort.

We tapped one of our favorite trainers, LIT Method co-founder Taylor Gainor, to show us her favourite inner thigh exercises. These three are her go-to movements; all you need is a resistance band and a few minutes, and you’re good!

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