Starbucks now offers an anti-inflammatory drink

It's set to give the turmeric latte a run for its money.

starbucks, chile mocha, starbucks anti-inflammation drink, anti-inflammation, anti-inflammatory diet
Image: Starbucks

When you’re on the lookout for a healthy pick-me-up, Starbucks isn’t usually the first place that comes to mind. Between the Pumpkin Spice Latte and Salted Caramel Frappuccino, the global coffee chain is far better known for its indulgent beverages than its health-conscious options.
But if its latest offering is anything to go by, all that might be about to change. Enter, the Chile Mocha.

Move over, turmeric latte, there’s a new anti-inflammatory drink on the block!

The Chile Mocha boasts a seriously impressive list of powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients. It gets its chocolatey taste from cocoa powder, rather than the syrup that usually sits at the bottom of Starbucks’ mochas. Adding a spicy kick is cayenne pepper, paprika and ancho chili pepper. It also contains vanilla, cinnamon, sea salt and sugar and, of course, espresso!

What does it taste like?

Don’t let the Chile Mocha’s spicy ingredients put you off. From all reports, the drink delivers a bit of heat without being overly intense. Unfortunately it hasn’t landed on Oz shores so we haven’t had a chance to try it yet. But according to Well + Good, it tastes like a turmeric latte with a bit more sweetness. Meanwhile, The Star reports that the spice does a great job as balancing out the sweet taste. Sounds like a perfect balance to us!

Is it really healthy, though?

Depends how you look at it. We’ve written before about the benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet. Acute inflammation is when your body’s immune response never switches off, which can lead to long-term health problems like cancer, heart disease, arthritis and Alzheimer’s. Spices like cayenne, paprika and ancho chilli pepper are among some of the strongest metabolism boosters and inflammation fighters, so it’s fantastic that you can get them all in one delicious beverage.
On the other hand, the grande size Chile Mocha contains a whopping 40 grams of sugar. If you order it with almond milk (which Starbucks now offers in all US cafes) and without whipped cream, the sugar content comes down to 26 grams. Basically, the Chile Mocha will give a hefty dose of anti-inflammatory goodness, if you don’t mind a sugar crash on the side!

Where to get it

The Chile Mocha is now available in all Starbucks cafes across the US. Unfortunately, there’s no word yet on when it will arrive here in Australia. In the meantime, you can make your own at home using the recipe here.

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