Fitness Expert Tim Robards Has 5 Simple Health Rules He Wants You To Follow

He even wants you to take a day off!

tim robards shares fitness tips

Developing a healthy routine that priorities health and wellbeing is vital all-year round, regardless of what season you’re entering into. Here, fitness expert, Tim Robards shares with Amodrn five simple rules for the healthiest, happiest version of yourself:

#1 Drink more H20

drink more water
Image: iStock

I aim to drink 2 litres of water per day. If you’re somebody that struggles to get in your 2L, then I would suggest that you carry a water bottle on hand, and create a habit of sipping it throughout the day. You could even try adding some fruit or mint to your water, to make it a little more interesting.

#2 Get your beauty sleep

sleep quality
Image: iStock

We should really aim to get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night, for me 8 hours is ideal. You really shouldn’t have to choose between your health and productivity, once you begin to get into a good sleeping routine, your energy should increase as will your mental focus and clarity. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, then try switching off all electronics at an earlier hour, and keeping them out of your bedroom. Also, try to wake up and go to sleep at a similar hour every day.

#3 Eat more nutrient-dense foods

Image: iStock

Try to forget calories counting and cutting out food groups, so you don’t see food as a punishment or reward. Think about the food you’re eating and how it is nourishing your body. If you feel like chocolate, eat some, don’t deprive yourself as this is where binging can become out of control. Here are some of my favourite nutrient-dense foods:
Avocados, who doesn’t like them? They should always be on your grocery list. Did you know that avocados are full of almost 20 different minerals and vitamins?! This high fibre fruit is loaded with so much good fat, that it’s great for your skin, hair and weight loss as it keeps you full for hours! Try adding them to your salad dressing, slice some on a sprouted bread with pink salt and lemon, add them to your smoothie or smoothie bowl, but my ultimate favourite, mash them up to make your own guac!
Leafy greens
Collard greens, kale, spinach, you name it, you honestly can’t overdo it on these leafy gems. Greens are loaded with the vitamins and minerals our body thrive on. They can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, are high in dietary fibre and rich in folic acid, vitamin C and K, potassium, and magnesium. Greens are very low in calorie, naturally dense and should be a staple of every meal.
Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, frozen or fresh, they are all fantastic must-haves of every diet. The antioxidants in berries can help your body fight, pretty much anything! They help your body fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals that can lead so many illnesses. Berries are great for those of us who have sweet tooths and need a little something after dinner, whack them in a bowl with some greek yogurt and nuts, and you’re set!

#4 Take a day off

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Image: Bed Threads

Listening to your body and taking a day to recover is vital. Not only physically but mentally, as in the long run it allows you to become more productive. So at least once a week, try listening to your body, unplug from work, go for a brisk walk or do some yoga, chuck on Netflix, get a massage or your nails done, put your feet up and have some YOU time.

#5 Get used to being uncomfortable

woman gym exercise
Image via iStock

Many of us tend to panic when we feel discomfort or anything unfamiliar in our bodies, however, athletes don’t. Athletes push themselves and thrive for discomfort. Trust me, your body already knows it can handle the challenge, you have to learn to trust yourself and prove it to your brain. If you master being uncomfortable, you’ll be prepared to handle whatever situation comes along in your life. Try running for longer or lifting heavier!


Chiropractor, B.Sc (Ex. Sc), B. Med. Sc, M. Chiro and Exercise Physiologist, Tim Robards and creator of, The Robards Method (TRM), a revolutionary program for the online health world and The 721 method. The Summer Body Challenge is set to launch 7 October 2018 the challenge will be for 10 weeks and the winner will win a trip to Fiji valued at $10,000.

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