9 Of Our Favorite Wellness Drinks That Can Easily Replace Soda

Move over sugar, there's a new sheriff in town.

best wellness drinks
Image: Sweet Reason

If the alarming news of soda’s harmful effects hasn’t left you in utter and complete shock, here are more reminders of why we need to leave the sugary beverage behind in the dust. According to Healthline, sugary drinks do not make you feel full, drastically increase belly weight, and can turn into fat in your liver. On top of that, it contains virtually zero nutrients, is the leading cause of Type 2 diabetes, and is highly addictive. We know, we know. What is there to do when we’re craving something other than water? The good news is a whole lot of goodness. Replacing soda is easier than you think. There are many nutritious, sugar-free, healthy options out there. They even have a multitude of health benefits that can make you feel oh so good.
We’ve rounded up our top nine choices for our favorite healthy wellness drinks, from the effervescent Minna to the incredible Dirty Lemon. Keep reading below for more!

The Best Healthy Wellness Drinks That Can Easily Replace Sugary Soda

1) Minna Lightly Brewed Sparkling Tea ($36 For 12-pack)

best healthy beverages
Image: Minna

Shop the brand here.

2) Mad Tasty Hemp-Infused Sparkling Water ($30 For 6-pack)

best healthy beverages
Image: Mad Tasty

Shop the brand here.

3) Better Booch Kombucha ($48 For 12-pack)

best healthy beverages
Image: Better Booch

Shop the brand here.

4) VYBES Sparkling CBD Beverage ($96 For 12-pack)

best wellness drinks
Image: VYBES

Shop the brand here.

5) Dirty Lemon ($45 For 6-pack)

best healthy beverages
Image: Dirty Lemon

Shop the brand here.

6) ROAR Organic Electrolyte Infusion Drinks ($28.99 For 12-pack)

best beverage
Image: ROAR Organics

Shop the brand here.

7) Recess ($40 For 8-pack)

Image: Recess

Shop the brand here.

8) Kin Euphorics Non-Alcoholic Drink ($27 For 4-pack)

healthy drinks
Image: Kin Euphorics

Shop the brand here.

9) Pop & Bottle Oak Milk Latte ($54 For 12-pack)

Image: Pop & Bottle Oat Milk Lattes

Shop the brand here.

10) Sweet Reason CBD Infused Sparkling Water ($39.99 For 6-pack)

Sweet reason

While you’re here, check out the ultimate health recipe for an antioxidant-rich chocolate and raspberry smoothie bowl

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