The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui is based around the idea that your living space reflects your life. Coming home to a zen den? You’re probably gonna feel chill AF. But a stressy, messy dwelling? Yep, you know where we’re going with this.
Introducing some of the basic principles of Feng Shui can go a long way in de-stressing your space. Below, we’ve rounded up six easy tips to help you design a healthier, happier home. Bring on the R&R!
Take off your shoes at the front door
First thing’s first. Make it a habit to ditch your shoes and leave the stress of the day at the front door! The simple act of removing your shoes will help transform your home into a haven, symbolically only allowing peaceful, positive energy to come inside.
Clear out the clutter
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: clutter disrupts your sense of wellbeing! Whether you’re constantly searching for that one moisturizer you just know is here somewhere, digging through an overstuffed sports bra drawer or just trying to focus amidst the piles of paper at your desk, letting clutter linger is a surefire way to induce stress. Commit to clearing the clutter and you’ll enjoy the not-so-subtle mood boost.

Treat your bedroom as a sacred space
Remember the purpose of your bedroom, and try your best to keep it a tech-free zone. At the very least keep those laptops out of bed – mixing work mode into your sleep zone can send mixed signals to the brain and wreak havoc on your sleep game. As far as bed positioning goes, try to place it diagonally from the door, but not in line with it.
Open windows
Ahh, fresh air. Open your windows and welcome in the natural breeze while you’re at home. Inviting in fresh air keeps positive energy flowing through your space, keeping the air from growing stale or stagnant.
Bring in life-force
Plant mamas, rejoice! Surrounding yourself with living greenery circulates oxygen and harmony through your space. Plus, indoor plants have been scientifically proven to reduce stress. Not a green thumb? Try one of these 10 indoor plants that are perfect for people who tend to kill houseplants.
Treat the senses
Don’t hesitate to pull out all the stops – bring in toxic-free candles, luxurious essential oils and even relaxing tunes to encourage a calming environment. Treat the senses through small pleasures and let your home be a place to restore your energy and happiness, not deplete it.