5 Stories To Read While You're Waiting For Your Coffee

In line at the cafe? Entertain yourself with these must-read stories.

Image: Alexandra Guerain via www.alex-closet.com

I have a habit of bookmarking a ridiculous amount of unread articles to my Facebook ‘saved’ folder. I’ll stumble across a story, think “Ooh, that sounds interesting” then completely forget about it until I get a notification telling me I have 15 unread saves from this week! I’m always grateful for it when I’m waiting for a coffee or stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on a Friday afternoon. Sometimes, the articles turn out to be a complete waste of digital space (damn you, clickbait!) But often, I actually learn something really interesting.
So, whether you want to impress your friends with your knowledge on the latest developments in science and tech or just grab the latest beauty goss – here are my fave links from over the weekend.

5 Links Worth Bookmarking Today

A photo posted by Sarah (@sarahs_day) on

We all already know that a healthy diet is essential for keeping your body and mind in tip-top shape. But according to new research from Deakin University, filling your plate with veggies could actually be an effective treatment for major depression.

You know what else is good for you? Regular exercise. But a recent study from US National Institutes of Health has revealed that it may be even better for you than originally thought. Their research confirms that getting active transforms every single cell in your body — including your brain cells!
Is it just us, or are beauty trends getting crazier and crazier? The latest makeup look du jour is fuzzy lips. Yep, people are sticking pieces of felt or velvet on top of their matte lipstick, all in the name of fashion. We can’t imagine what that must feel like to kiss!

A photo posted by The Everygirl (@theeverygirl_) on

Need a bit of comic relief for your Monday morning? Even if you’re office-bound, we guarantee you’ll get a chuckle out of this hilarious take on working from home by The New Yorker.

If your New Year’s Resolution was to reduce your environmental footprint, you’ll love this new Australian app. TODAY is currently being funded via a crowdfunding campaign and allows you to accept ‘challenges’ to use keep cups, shop responsibly or walk to work.

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