4 simple 15-minute workouts to get wedding-dress-ready

By guest blogger Cassey Miller

Summer is not just beach season, it’s wedding season too. As the face of PUMA Australia’s women’s training and founder of BUF Bride, a personal training program tailored to brides-to-be, this is always my busiest time of year.
Bride workout, quick workout, Cassey MillerBeing engaged is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life but it is also one of the busiest and most stressful. From organising the invites, venue, catering and party, to dress shopping, food tasting, honeymoon hunting and (eep) budgeting, life is crazy and it leaves little time to spend on yourself and your own needs.
Amongst the mayhem, it’s important to enjoy the journey and in order to do so, one must take a little time out to work up a sweat and bust some stress.
Below I’ve shared four of my favourite bridal workouts that I loved doing in the lead-up to my own wedding because they target the parts of your body most often on show in a wedding dress or cheeky honeymoon bikini.
The exercises are all bodyweight so you can do them in the comfort and convenience of your lounge room, or take them outside for a bit of fresh air.
And remember, it’s not all about your fitness regime; to feel and look your best, you’ll need to clean up that diet too. Eat more protein, stock up on veggies and kick those starchy carbs and sugars to the end of the aisle!
Here are four simple, 15-minute workouts to tame bridezilla and get her wedding-dress-ready.

Bridal workouts to look bangin’ on your big day


This workout is done on a ‘Tabata’ timer which means 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest. For each set, alternate between move 1 and 2 for 4 minutes.
Set 1:

  • Move 1: Alternate between Tricep Push-Ups & Regular Push-Ups for 20 seconds
  • 10 seconds rest
  • Move 2: 10 x High knees + 10 Mountain climbers for 20 seconds
  • 10 seconds rest

Repeat 4 times (for a total of 4 minutes)
Set 2:

  • Move 1: Tricep dips
  • Move 2: 5 Plank Jacks + 5 Star Jumps

Set 3:

  • Move 1: chest-to-floor burpees
  • Move 2: sprints


Repeat this list 3 times through:

  • 300m Sprint
  • 60 seconds Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive, Reverse Lunge to Kick (30s per side)
  • 60 seconds Burpee to Alternate Front Kick
  • 60 seconds Bounds
  • 60 seconds Lateral Lunge
  • 1 minute rest


Complete each exercise for 60 seconds, taking a 15 second rest between each one. Repeat the list 3 times through. If you’re a gym lover, feel free to add some weights to this one – otherwise just rock it bodyweight!

  • Squats
  • Lunge Walks
  • Hip Raise to Sit-Up (1 of each, keep alternating!)
  • Lateral Skater Leaps


This is an AMRAP workout, which means As Many Rounds As Possible. Complete this list of exercises as many times through as you can within 15 minutes, or go all out for a full half hour!

  • 200m sprint
  • 100 high knees/skips
  • 80 air squats
  • 60 bicycle crunch
  • 40 jump lunges
  • 20 spider push ups
  • 10 burpee star jumps

If you’re a bride-to-be looking for a complete program to take you from hot to HOT in the lead-up to your wedding, train with me online at BUF Bride


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