17 Single Women On How They'll Be Spending Valentine's Day

Happy Gal-entine's Day!

Image: gypsealust.com

There are plenty of advantages to being in a relationship:like always having a ‘plus one’ for events and having pizza delivered without having to spend an extra $15 to get it over the minimum. But do you know what else is pretty cool? Being single! There’s a lot to be said about having 100% independence to do your own thing without having to consult anybody else. As awesome as both scenarios can be, there’s one day of the year when the divide is strongly felt — Valentine’s Day. The occasion is solely dedicated to celebrating people in relationships, which can feel a bit crappy if you don’t happen to be in one!
But thanks to the comedy TV series Parks and Recreation, a new phenomenon is sweeping the internet — Gal-entine’s Day! According to the eternally optimistic Leslie Knope (Amy Poelher) it’s a day for celebrating friendships and all things girl power. In the show it falls on 13th February, but we reckon there’s no reason unattached gals can’t celebrate on the 14th, too! We chatted to a diverse group of 17 single ladies about what they’re up to this Valentine’s Day. Here were their (seriously inspiring) responses!

Danielle, 32, Owner of Final Touch Brows & Cosmetics

I’ve been single for 6 years now (by choice), so this Valentine’s Day I’ll be having dinner with another single girlfriend of mine. We have actually both decided to become single mothers and are both in the process of going through IVF!

Nadine, 21, Social Media Manager and Wedding Blogger

My friends and I have an annual ritual of going out to dinner and the movies on Valentine’s Day. This year, we’ll be going to see 50 Shades Darker! I love being single because it allows me to binge-watch Gossip Girl and Gilmore Girls on Netflix as much as I want, as well as giving me the independence to explore the world and work on myself.

Jodie, 31, Writer

I’ll go out to afternoon drinks with some work friends, then head home to hang out with my puppy, Wally, while working on my blog, book and life coaching course. I’ve been single for four years and I love it because I’m in full control of what I do and don’t have to consider someone else’s wants and needs when making decisions!

Britt, 44, Marketing Account Director

Last year, I came out of an 8 year relationship. So this Valentine’s Day, I’ll be travelling to Mexico with a girlfriend. It’s my third time there and I just love the culture, music and the people. There’s no constructed theme of Valentine’s Day over there, it’s simply about loving life!

Julia, 33, Founder of Single Mother Survival Guide

Valentine’s Day will be just like any other day for me. I’ll go to pilates, work and spend time with the love of my life — my daughter! To me, the most important thing about being single is using that time to work out what you want in life, resetting your energy levels, and learning to really love and value yourself. That way, you’re not relying on someone else for your happiness and sense of self worth.

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Carolina, 24, PR and Blogger

I’m kind of seeing someone at the moment, but I don’t want to have the awkward “So, how about Valentine’s Day?” conversation because it’s too early. So, I will most likely be upside down practicing inverts at Sydney Pole. I’ll be in my happy place, doing what I love!

Ange, 37, Marketing Strategist

I’ll be working during the day, then will head to a girlfriend’s house for a fancy dinner and champagne with some other single ladies. We’re a group of professionals in our 30s with varying backgrounds, careers and life goals — there’s a couple of single mums, a lesbian and some single, straight girls. I wouldn’t mind having a partner at some point but at the moment being single is way too much fun. I don’t have to share my space or money and can use my time however I like!

Anna, 40, Copywriter

I’ll be spending my Valentine’s Day at the beach, then at home with my kids at night. I’ve been single for two years and I love the freedom that comes with it — not having to be answer to anybody!

Michelle, 28, Founder of Pzella Accessories

After work, I’ll catch up with a couple of friends for drinks and a nice dinner. We all happen to be single at the moment, so we thought why not be each other’s Valentines? I’ve been single for 8 months now and I’ve really rediscovered myself after the breakup. It’s allowed me to explore the world with fresh eyes again, as a new and improved me!

Kathryn, 40, Business Coach

I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day with the awesome, single ladies in my life. Unlike the stereotype, we’re not going to sit at home in our PJs and eat ice-cream while watching chick flicks. We’ll be going out to a nice dinner to celebrate our friendship and the support we give each other!

 Alicia, 21, Bartender, Promo Hostess and Blogger

I’ve been working and travelling around Australia for the last few months, so I’ll be on a plane back to my home in Belgium. My dad will pick me up from the airport and will make his pancakes (my favourite!) and we’ll watch some movies together. Then, I’ll go to bed early to sleep off the jetlag!

Deborah, 48, Hair and Beauty Salon Owner

As a hairstylist, I’ll be working on Tuesday night. After that, I’ll be spending time with a few dear friends — because friends are for life and lovers seldom are! My favourite thing about being single is the fact that I can do things like a pyjama day on a whim and eat toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner sometimes! I have a wide group of supportive friends who give me great diversity without a sense of ‘ownership.’

Tameeka, 28, Self Employed

I’ll either steal a girlfriend off her fiancee if they’re not doing anything (to take advantage of one of the amazing restaurant packages available that night!), or spend it with my dog, Brutus! My favourite thing about being single at this stage in my life is having the time to focus on self love and ensuring I am completely happy within myself.

Sally, 41, Life Coach

Being single on Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to practice some self love rituals. It’s a day to celebrate and embrace where I am right now in my life – and that is happily single. So I will most likely be doing something to honour that by doing yoga, and taking myself out for coffee and breakfast. 

Ellie, 23, Social Media Manager and Blogger

This is my first Valentines Day single in almost FOUR years. Normally it would have been a stereotypical dinner but it’s all changed now. I’ll be spending Gal-entine’s Day with my two best friends, Aaron and Dana. We’re all sending each other flowers during the day (because, cute), and then we’re meeting at my apartment, walking down to the water and having a picnic. We’re thinking a gigantic cheese platter, wine and good tunes. We’ re probably going to chat about past relationships, current dating situations and of course… chat about the future.
During the time that I’ve been single, I honestly feel like I’ve rediscovered myself. As corny as that sounds, I LOVE investing time into my friendships. I’ve currently got no ties in Australia in terms of a relationship, and it’s kind of exciting to think that I could move overseas in a heartbeat with nothing holding me back!

Melanie, Business Owner at The Profit Lovers

I have a little Valentine’s Day ritual where I buy myself champagne and a box of chocolates and order Indian for dinner. I’ll be joined by my main non-human man and the holder of my affections, Ziggy the pooch. He doesn’t judge me when I eat the entire box of Roses for breakfast and I won’t judge him for the smells he makes after our shared curry! 

A few years ago, my mum passed away from breast cancer. It really made me look at my world and my priorities differently. Before then, well meaning friends would push me to find someone to settle down with. I would try to justify why I hadn’t met someone. Now I don’t care. If a guy comes along that’s great, if not, my life is already awesome!

Lynda, 44, Director of School of Infinite Learning

I’ll be spending the evening seeing a movie with a couple of friends. I’ve been single for 6 years and I love knowing I can be happy and successful on my own. Being in a relationship is a bonus, not a necessity and once you appreciate that, you can relax. So for now, I’ll continue to have an amazing single life and leave the door open to future prospects.

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